The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) and the Auto Alliance have joined forces to launch ‘Decide to Drive’, a campaign aimed at highlighting the dangers of distracted driving.

What makes this campaign different is its interactive nature. Visitors can use the site to report instances of distracted driving that they see on the roads.

Once submitted, these ‘stories’ will be displayed on the website and people can vote on the seriousness of the case. The site covers all kinds of driver distraction, and we’ve already seen cases of people using computers while driving.

The website also includes background information on Distracted Driving, plus resources and links to useful sites.

This site only covers the United States, but it would be interesting to see similar websites introduced for other countries and regions.

We intend to keep an eye on this site, and we may highlight individual stories that feature computer use.

Decide to Drive can be found here: