Following on from our last article regarding the NTSB’s call to ban all electronic devices for drivers, the New York Times reports a distinct change in the way authorities see the whole issue of driver distraction.

Deborah Hersman, chair of the NTSB, talked about the “Addiction” of Distracted Driving and compared it to smoking.

This shift in approach is in-line with a growing feeling among scientists and researchers that the use of phones and computers can be compulsive, both emotionally and physically, which helps explain why drivers may have trouble turning off their devices even if they want to.

Developments like this emphasise the requirement for technology based solutions which need to be used in conjunction with legislation and education.

Read the article here:

Blank-IT helps your business enforce policies covering computer use in vehicles of all types, by disabling or limiting computer functionality when movement is detected. Blank-IT doesn’t rely on GPS or other 3rd party input, is easily installed and can be calibrated to suit different working environments.