Many people come to this website looking for Distracted Driving statistics, figures and other background information.

While we strive to provide up to date and informative articles about Distracted Driving, in-car technology and the Blank-IT distracted driving solution, we also realise that some people want to access the kind of in-depth analysis and research that is difficult to convey in a single blog post.

That is why we search for and provide links to other sites and resources that we think will be of interest to our readers, clients and partners.

In this post we’d like to point you in the direction of a very detailed and exhaustive white paper, produced by the National Safety Council (NSC) and recently updated.

This document gives a full background on the Distracted Driving issue, its types, causes, effects and potential solutions, We highly recommend that you visit the site and take some time to study the paper.

You can find the link here: