In this update, we highlight two articles showing the increasing requirements for employers and organisations to devise and enforce distracted Driving policies. We also show an interesting video describing the implementation of Panasonic Rugged U1 computers into Tulsa Police Department vehicles.

Mechanical Contractors Association of America

The MCAA is an association representing 2,300 contractors and service provider businesses across the U.S. They provide professional development and support services to their members, and have recently released a publication about Distracted Driving.

MCAA expanded its efforts to educate mechanical contractors about the dangers of distracted driving with a new Distracted Driving Reduction and Prevention Guide. The publication includes sample policies, training materials, and a test to assist contractors in documenting safety training.

The guide (free to members) is available for purchase from their online store.

Concrete Contractor:

The Concrete Contractor section of the “For Construction Pros” website also published a timely article about distracted Driving and the dangers it present to the professional workforce.

Many contractors schedule phone meetings, check voice messages and answer calls during “windshield time.” These distractions contribute to the No. 1 cause of worker fatalities – motor vehicle crashes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that from 2003 and 2008, 871 construction workers died in occupational highway accidents.

Read the article here:

Tulsa Police Dept. install Panasonic U1 as part of in-car solution

Panasonic have an interesting video feature about the implementation of in-car computers at the Tulsa P.D.