A number of interesting items relating to in-car technology have appeared on the web over the last few days – we’ve put together an overview and links to the original articles.

Irresponsible Technology?  

Sharon Machlis has written an interesting post on the Computer World blog, regarding in-dash screens and technology in cars. The post make some valid points about the distractions such technology can cause. One of the comments on the post also makes reference to the disclaimer text associated with the product – worth reading in itself.

As Sharon says

Personally, I don’t want the driver who’s controlling a few thousand pounds of machinery hurtling toward me to be distracted by a computer voice reading off latest Facebook updates from their friends. Do you?

Ray LaHood meets auto manufacturers to discuss technology and safety

The Detroit Free Press website reports that Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has been meeting with Ford and Chrysler Chief Executives in an attempt to gain their support for his crusade against distracted driving.

Manufacturers are keen to implement in-car technology to attract the growing number of tech-savvy younger generation buyers. LaHood is keen to enact legislation to minimise driver distraction and wants to ensure that manufacturers prioritise safety when considering the introduction of new technology.

Wall Street Journal interview with David Strickland

The WSJ online website has published an article about new and upcoming vehicle technology and safety. Part of this article looks at the problem of distracted driving and the safety implications of new technology in cars. Quoting David Strickland from the NHTSA, the post states that the agency is working to formulate “voluntary guidelines” for auto manufacturers to use when developing in-car display technology or systems for integrating smart phones or entertainment devices in vehicles. In the past, “voluntary” NHTSA guidelines have acted as de-facto standards for the industry.

This news round-up has been collated by Blank-IT.

Blank-IT is designed to reduce distraction caused by in-car computers, whilst still allowing access to specifed (and legally allowable) programs. It is designed to comply with distracted driving legislation and OH&S guidelines, and is suitable for all types of work environments.  Blank-IT is easily installed and doesn’t rely on 3rd party input such as GPS.

Find out more at: www.Blank-it.com –  or contact us on 08 9486 7122 (if calling from outside Australia: +61 8 9486 7122).