During a crackdown on bad drivers and traffic infringements, Dumfries and Galloway Police caught a van driver using a laptop computer while he was driving.

Not only was he using the laptop, he actually had it resting on his knees while he was doing so. This clearlybreaks distracted driving legislation and numerous safety and OH&S guidelines.

As Police spokesman Sergeant Billy Broatch commented

It beggars belief that someone could think they can concentrate on the road while they were using a laptop. The dangers it causes don’t bear thinking about.

However danderous the actions of this driver sound, this will certainly not be an isolated incident. Although much of the focus of Distracted Driving  campaigns is on cellphone use and texting, laptops are now regarded as vital for mobile workforces and their use by drivers and other employees is widespread.

It is crucial for employers to ensure that employee use of computers in driving situations is strictly managed and controlled.

About Blank-IT:

Blank-IT is designed specifically to address the problem of driver distraction and use of in-car and in-cab computers and laptops. It is easily installed, doesn’t rely on 3rd party input such as GPS, is fully customisable for different working environments and will help you conform with distracted driving legislation.

We also work closely with mounting system manufacturers such as Tempus to provide you with complete solutions to any in-vehicle display management requirement.

Find out more today at Blank-IT – or contact us on 08 9486 7122 (if calling from outside Australia: +61 8 9486 7122).