Driver distraction comes in many forms, but the use of texting and hand-held cell phones while driving has increased in frequency in recent years and has been the focus of much recent research. There have been many studies on this subject, with indications that the use of these devices while driving has become pervasive and presents unacceptable levels of risk.

Most research defines the nature of driver distraction into three primary classifications:

  • Visual – taking eyes off the road
  • Physical – taking hands off the steering wheel
  • Cognitive – focusing mental awareness on something other than driving

Any of the three can have serious consequences, although most experts consider visual to be the most serious form of distraction. All three combined apply in the case of texting.

Putting It All Into Perspective
While transportation companies agree that safety is the number one priority for their operations, today’s commercial vehicle drivers are dependent on information more than ever, so simply cutting off access to in-cab communications is not practical or likely to be effective. Operational challenges that were the primary reasons for adoption of mobile information systems cannot be ignored, such as:

  • Timely and dynamic dispatching
  • Real-time routing and navigation assistance
  • Driver safety

Fortunately, advances in technology have changed how information can be presented to drivers while the vehicle is in motion.

The Blank-IT system provides a clear solution allow the management of all in vehicle computer displays.

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